

  • user experience consulting
  • creative strategy
  • customer research
  • content strategy


  • creative direction
  • design leadership
  • workshop facilitation


  • information architecture
  • interaction design
  • responsive design
  • mobile application design
  • experience design


My name is Aaron J. Louie, and I am a UX ninja. I'm a creative director and senior ux consultant who has been crafting digital experiences for over 19 years. Throughout my career, I've honed my skills in user-centered information architecture, interaction design, and content strategy. I've provided user experience design and strategic guidance to clients in a wide variety of industries, including marketing, technology, finance, home improvement, travel, education, libraries, government, and non-profit.

why a ninja?

The legendary ninja of Japan were specially-trained mercenaries for hire who specialized in stealth, speed, and surprise. Well, that pretty much describes me. I can quickly jump in on a project, integrate with your team, and quickly deliver amazing results.

why user experience?

User experience (UX) is the art and science of structuring and designing digital and physical purposeful interfaces. Yes, that's a very vague and academic-sounding definition. Here's a simpler one: UX is about designing stuff that people will love using. And here's why it's important: when you have the right customers, the right product, and a great user experience, you win.

what are all those services you offer?

Just like the ninja, UX people have all kinds of secret methods for working their magic. Since UX is half-science and half-art, my methods attempt to remove some of the subjectivity and chaos from the process by analyzing and testing things. Like a lock pick or throwing star, not all of these methods are always essential. But they are extremely effective when used skillfully.

are you for real?

Yes. I actually exist:


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Aaron Louie

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